AGE Platform Europe: Mainstreaming palliative care for an age-friendly society

15 June, 13:30-18:00 | Brussels Office of the Council of Europe, Avenue des Nerviens 85, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium

Organised in the framework of the PACE project on palliative care for older people in care and nursing homes in Europe, this high-level conference will highlight the need for a comprehensive approach to palliative care and how palliative care is related to other policies and interventions for the improvement of the quality of life of older people, including the access to quality health and long-term care.

The speakers and the participants will be invited to reflect on the need to go beyond the traditional medical silos and consider palliative care not only as a health intervention but also as a practice to be fully integrated in all relevant public policies, responding to the social needs and allowing the care recipient to live well and actively as long as possible.

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