Autism Europe: Making sex education accessible to all Europeans

On September 26 it was World Contraception Day. Autism–Europe believes it to be an important reminder that it is essential for all young people and adults – including people with learning disabilities – to make informed decisions regarding their sexual life and reproductive health.

Unfortunately, not all adults are allowed to make their own decisions when it comes to their sexual life and reproductive rights, as people with learning disabilities continue to face discrimination in Europe and around the world, in terms of freedom of choice and access to information.

Throughout Europe thousands of people with learning disabilities are victims of sexual abuse and blatant violations of their human rights. These violations include forced sterilisation and coerced abortions. Therefore we need to urgently enforce the respect of the rights of people with learning disabilities and put an end to these violent practices. Enforcing these rights also includes providing accessible information to people with learning disabilities about sexuality and relationships, in a creative and innovative way.

Read more on Autism Europe's website