COFACE Families Europe: COFACE Families Europe’s Annual Report 2017 is out!

2017 has been an important year for Social Europe and for COFACE Families Europe. COFACE welcomed very much the European Pillar of Social Rights and were especially happy with the Work-Life Balance Package launched by the European Commission in April 2017.

Throughout the year COFACE built several actions with our members, as well as a strong coalition of European NGOs jointly working towards the swift adoption of the proposed EU Work-Life Balance Directive which aims to support work-life balance of parents and carers.

Guided by its successful Europe-wide consultation of family carers that resulted in an in-depth qualitative and quantitative study “Who Cares?” COFACE made the invisible workforce of carers and their needs visible.

Further in this annual report, COFACE highlights other key actions which have generated impact on EU policy and legislation. Starting from the overall theme of “Families on the Move” throughout 2017, COFACE organised a multi-stakeholder conference and a series of COFACE expert meetings for cross-country discussions and transfer of innovation between its network members.

It launched a new colourful website and several online campaigns to bring more people into our community of practice and keep the information flowing between local and EU level.

COFACE Families Europe will continue actions in 2018 focusing more specifically on work-life balance, disability, education, and digitalisation with the clear ambition to build a sustainable future for all families in Europe and beyond.

Download the Annual Report 2017 here.

Full article.