European Anti-Poverty Network: EAPN takes part in the Annual Convention for Inclusive Growth 2017

The European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN), represented by delegates from eleven European Union countries, plus Norway and Serbia, will attend the Annual Convention for Inclusive Growth 2017 (#ACIG2017) on 24 April, and puts forward four key messages.

The Convention this year will be dedicated to the social inclusion of young people.

EAPN welcomes the decision to focus this year’s Convention on youth inclusion, rather than just youth employment. However, not all youth face the same risks. It is vital to empower and support youth facing multiple risks, through personalized, integrated solutions to adequate income support, quality services and quality jobs. With over 118.7 million people (2015) at risk of poverty and social exclusion and increasing inequality, the EU cannot afford to be complacent.

The Annual Convention must be a key instrument to drive real progress on reducing poverty and inequality, working together with stakeholders and people in poverty to forge effective solutions. The participation of young people, and all groups facing poverty, is crucial – not only to ‘hear their voices’, but to empower people to defend their rights and be active contributors to effective policy solutions.

EAPN’s participation in the Annual Convention

EAPN’s four key messages to the Annual Convention for Inclusive Growth 2017, under the following titles:

  1. Annual Convention must champion progress on poverty and inequality!
  2. The European Pillar of Social Rights must be more than principles!
  3. Youth inclusion means rights-based integrated solutions, not just employment!
  4. Participation is a pre-requisite to empowerment, ownership, and accessing other rights!

Full article.