European Association for the Education of Adults: Grundtvig Award 2014 goes to ‘Book of Plans, Hopes and Dreams’ and ‘Vygonoshtchi Fortress’ projects

The 12th annual EAEA Grundtvig Award, themed Remembering for the Future, goes to ‘The Book of Plans, Hopes and Dreams‘ project and ‘Vygonoshtchi Fortress‘ project. “Both projects show that small initiatives can have a huge impact on people, communities, and the civil society”, stated the jury, consisting of the EAEA Executive Board members.

2014 marks 100 years since the start of the First World War. With the Grundtvig Award 2014, EAEA wanted to collect various World War I related projects and activities organised by Adult Education providers in order to create dialogue, research and discussion. This year it was possible to take part in the competition in two categories: “World War I remembrance initiative” and “Adult education projects that promote peace and conflict resolution”.

The winner of the first category, ‘The Book of Plans, Hopes and Dreams’ project, is a German-British WWI remembrance activity concentrated on local and European history. It was created to let the people of today remember people in the time of war by finding out about them, and setting down their own ideals and stories, to hand on to generations to come. It is a writing competition to link 1914 to 2014 and beyond, by writing a letter, story or poem. By popular request closing date for submitting writings has been extended until 2 December 2014.

Full press release.