European Institute for Gender Equality: Looking for gender statistics you can count on and compare?

No more time wasting and frustration searching for gender statistics across multiple databases. No more wondering if the data is up-to-date, accurate and comparable. The European Institute for Gender Equality’s (EIGE) new Gender Statistics Database provides a one-stop source for information on the situation of equality between women and men in the EU.

“The new database is aimed to help statisticians, policy makers, researchers, students, journalists and anyone who is interested in statistics on gender equality. The database provides reliable and comparable information on equality between women and men, which can be used as a basis to inform policy-making and monitor progress in gender equality” says Ligia Nobrega, Gender Statistics Database Officer at EIGE.

Both experienced statisticians and non-experts will be able to use the database with ease. Users can search for data with a keyword search or choose from a set of 6 entry points, such as thematic areas of interest (e.g. work and the labour market, education and training), EU policy areas (e.g. health, science, research and technology), EU strategies (e.g. EU 2020), EIGE’s Gender Equality Index and more.

New data will be uploaded automatically, ensuring that the most up-to-date and accurate information is always accessible. EIGE’s database partners and sources include Eurostat, DG Justice and Consumers, Eurofound and the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA).

The database will also contain metadata, which shows what is behind the statistics. Through metadata you would be able to understand, for example, how the measurements have been made and how the results should be interpreted. It also shows who collects the data and how often it’s updated.

The database is now available on EIGE’s website, click here.

If you wish to remain connected with the project and contribute to its development, please register and request to become a member of the Workspace for EIGE’s Gender Statistics Database on EuroGender.

EuroGender is EIGE’s online collaboration and consultation hub.

Full article.