Work Programme 2015 is launched!

Social Platform has launched its Work Programme for 2015, setting out policy, financial, communication and organisational objectives for the coming twelve months. Our Strategic Orientation 2014-2020 forms the basis of our objectives.

The Work Programme, adopted by the Social Platform Steering Group in October 2014, is divided into six sections:

  • Equal access to accessible, affordable and quality services
  • For EU social standards
  • EU internal human rights strategy
  • A structured civil dialogue at EU level
  • European governance that benefits all and includes all people
  • Communications and internal governance

Pierre Baussand, Director of Social Platform, said:

“With the new European Parliament and Commission in place, we wanted to adopt an ambitious Work Programme to tackle the worsening social situation across the EU. This includes specific actions such as building momentum for the adoption of the long-overdue anti-discrimination directive, and more ideological objectives such as advocating for an EU common position on social standards. Ultimately, our Work Programme 2015 is aimed at reversing the curve on poverty and social exclusion and halting dangerous trends such as worsening inequality in their paths.”

Read the executive summary of the Social Platform Work Programme 2015 here.