IUT – International Union of Tenants

IUT is a Non Governmental Organisation, founded in 1926 in Zürich, Switzerland, with the purpose of safeguarding the interests of tenants. IUT is a non-party political organisation, working along democratic lines. IUT has got 61 member associations in 45 countries.

IUT considers housing as one of the fundamental rights in society, and therefore needs to be addressed locally, nationally and internationally. Adequate housing is also one of the safeguards for peace and security in Europe and elsewhere in the world. Homelessness is one of the major ingredients for social exclusion.

Its objectives include:
• Co-operation between tenants through sharing information
• Aiming to realise the right of everyone, both to good housing, and to a sound and healthy residential environment, to an affordably and fair rent.
• Residential/tenants democracy and a right to participation
• No discrimination with regard to sex, racial, ethnic and religious grounds
• Secure tenure
• The right to organise

Contact us

IUT Liaison office to the EU
23, Rue du Luxembourg
B-1000 Brussels, Belgium
Tel.+ 32 2 513 07 84