COFACE Families Europe: Housing and other connected support for single mothers

18 May, 09:30-11:00

In the case of the Czech Republic, there is no system of public housing for single parents and their children (and no system of public housing in general, only a system of social benefits, some of which are used for rent). One of the challenges is that for renting accommodation  you must pay a guarantee of 3 months rent, which single-parent families can rarely afford.

Women for Women is a private organisation focused on single families. One of its project is to help single parents with accommodation. In many cases it is sufficient to pay the guarantee, and then single families can live without further support. Some of the families, however, can also be offered free one-year accommodation. For single parents who struggle with other issues (including domestic violence or finding a job), W4W also offer help in a complex programme including psychotherapy and training for job skills. To take part in the therapy and training is a condition to get the yearly free accommodation.

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