
Old suitcase sitting on rail road tracks

All of the EU member states have signed most of the core international human rights instruments and are thus legally obliged to protect the rights of all individuals in their territories. Just because third country nationals are born outside the EU, they should not be treated as second class citizens. EU migration and integration policies must be based on a human rights approach, where equality is promoted and migrants are recognised and respected as rights holders. While recognising that different laws and policies apply, depending on one’s migration status, there is often a gap between law, and its implementation and practice at the national level. However, human rights should apply to all migrants, no matter their migration status.

Current campaign: Decriminalising Solidarity – we want to stop criminalisation of those who act in solidarity by offering humanitarian assistance to undocumented migrants in the EU. Read our policy position here.

In 2013 we adopted a position paper with recommendations to the EU and member states based on our areas of work: Rights, Inclusion, Employment, Services and Civil Dialogue. We have also separate recommendations on the situation of intra-EU mobility for EU citizens, who may be at risk of/or ending up in destitution. EU-citizens exercising their right to free movement can experience similar problems as third country nationals, despite the different legal framework and protection system applicable to them.

Fact Sheets (based on our paper):