As of September 2023, approximately 13 million people were unemployed across the European
Union. This includes 2.7 million young people. The latest data on long-term unemployment
from 2021 shows that 39% of unemployed people have been without a job for more than 12
months, rising to 50% for people aged between 50-64.
Over the past three years, the people of Europe have faced a pandemic, the return of war to the
continent, and a cost-of-living crisis. The pandemic highlighted how we are failing to value
essential jobs and services, or to provide economic security for all. We saw how quickly
externalities can threaten jobs and push people into unemployment without interventions such
as the SURE programme.
As the need for a just transition grows so does the need to protect the livelihoods of those who could be affected by the transition and other external shocks. A European Job Guarantee could support access to quality jobs and employment for workers across the European provided that it is tailored to the aspirations and competences of unemployed persons, and that the jobs provided are quality, well-paid jobs that guarantee a dignified life and work-life balance.