Eurodiaconia: Eurodiaconia has released its latest report on the European Semester

Today [18 November], Eurodiaconia has released its latest report called “Promoting shared prosperity in the European Semester: taking stock of the 2019 cycle and launching the 2020 Semester”, which takes stock of the evolution of the 2019 Semester cycle and sets our priorities for promoting shared prosperity in the coming Semester cycle.

Throughout the Semester cycle, Eurodiaconia consults our members in order to determine the degree to which the Semester output reflects the situation in their own countries. This information is used to direct its advocacy in Brussels. This paper provides an opportunity to assess the degree to which its recommendations have been incorporated into EU analysis.

This paper assesses if the Semester sufficiently balances economic and social priorities, if the European Pillar of Social Rights is being adequately reflected, and to outline Eurodiaconia’s priorities and recommendations for the 2020 Semester cycle.

A key takeaway is that Eurodiaconia welcomes the effort being made to address social aspects within the European Semester and it warmly welcomes the direction of travel towards establishing a ‘virtuous triangle’ of boosting investment, structural reforms and responsible fiscal policies. However, it is crucial that social policy obtains equal prominence to economic throughout the cycle.

Read the full report here.

Full article.