Eurodiaconia: Launch of 2014 Migration Report

In order to understand some of the major challenges migrants face in accessing their social rights in Europe, Eurodiaconia recently conducted research among its members as diaconal and church-related service providers of social and health services. By conducting in-depth research, Eurodiaconia was able to create this comprehensive document, reporting not only examples of its members programmes and services supporting the inclusion and integration of migrants, but also summarising the key challenges these organisations and migrants face daily in accessing social and health services, and finally making policy recommendations to overcome these challenges.

The newly launched report highlights that according to Eurodiaconia members, the three main challenges currently for European migrants in accessing social services are:

  1. Growing racism and xenophobia towards migrants resulting in lack of political will to change policies
  2. Complicated administrative and legal hurdles/ long asylum and registration processes with authorities
  3. EU rights and freedoms from international treaties and EU directives not being implemented by Member States

Read the full report here.