Projects & Partnerships

Civil society organisations represent the interests of people that gather around specific characteristics and focus groups.

From the environment, to consumers, to workers, and those who are traditionally underrepresented in decision-making, civil society organisations (CSOs) bring the rights, needs and values of their constituencies to the attention of decision-makers.

Social Platform takes great pride in the diversity and competence of our membership; indeed, the privileged relationship we enjoy with the European institutions is down to the breadth and variety of our members’ expertise in the social field.

We also aim to foster debate and mutual learning by engaging with EU civil society and other stakeholders working in a range of sectors. Whether through participation in EU-wide projects, partnerships to deliver our long-term objectives, or membership of alliances promoting common values, we endeavor to cement the social needs of people in Europe, including those in vulnerable situations, high on the EU agenda.

Social Platform is proud to work with the following alliances, coalitions and expert groups:


Civil Society Europe’s (CSE) main objectives are to facilitate and enable dialogue between European CSOs and policy-makers, and to help strengthen CSOs in their activities and relations with the European institutions. It is an independent voice promoting a space for structured civil dialogue and citizens’ participation at all levels. Social Platform is a founding member of CSE.


The Conference of INGOs (international non-governmental organisations) represents civil society at the Council of Europe and works to promote participatory democracy. In addition to holding two annual sessions a year, it organises events linked to the priorities of the Council of Europe. It is comprised of INGOs that hold participatory status of the Council of Europe.


The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) Liaison Group was created to improve interaction between the EESC and CSOs. Its aim is to strengthen cooperation with European CSOs, bolstering the EESC’s role as an intermediary between the EU institutions and organised civil society.


The European NGO Platform on Asylum and Migration (EPAM) brings together European non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and networks seeking to contribute to the development of asylum and migration policy in the EU.



The Fundamental Rights Platform (FRP) is the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights’s (FRA) channel for cooperation and information exchange with civil society organisations active in the field of fundamental rights at the national, grassroots, European and international levels.


The Human Rights and Democracy Network (HRDN) is an informal grouping of NGOs operating at the EU level in the broader areas of human rights, democracy and peace. Its vision is that human rights and democracy are placed at the heart of the EU’s internal and external policy agenda. This vision should manifest itself in an EU that effectively protects human rights at home and is a force for positive change in the world.



SDG Watch Europe is an EU-level, cross-sectoral CSO alliance of organisations from development, environment, social, human rights and other sectors. Its goal is to hold governments to account for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.





16695Projects & Partnerships

MERGE Project

The MERGE project brings together and supports the ongoing European Horizon Europe projects (SPES, ToBe, WISE Horizons,...

12625Projects & Partnerships


Overview Social Platform is a member of the research project ‘Closing gaps in social citizenship. New tools to...