Stand Up for the Social Pillar Alliance


Social Platform is a member of the ‘Stand Up for the Social Pillar’ alliance, bringing together social NGOs, trade unions, pro-European organisations and social economy enterprises and organisations including cooperatives active in industry and services.

The alliance aims to make national organisations more aware of the significance and political importance of the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights (Pillar) and create an environment in which national governments and EU institutions commit to full implementation of the Pillar principles.

What we do

The alliance’s objectives are to:

  • Ensure that the Pillar delivers results that improve people’s lives and builds support for a more social, inclusive and fairer EU, characterised by less socio-economic inequalities
  • Encourage implementation of the Pillar by the EU institutions, national governments and other organisations
  • Promote social investment, social rights, the social economy, the adoption of legislation, and democratic dialogue with policy-makers as means of implementing the Pillar
  • Spread knowledge about the Pillar and its 20 principles at national and local level

Other alliance partners