Championing social rights in the EU elections 2024

As the countdown is on until the next EU elections in 2024, Social Platform and our network of civil society organisations are bringing the voices of those we represent to the forefront and championing the issues we want to see prioritised in the next mandate.

Social Platform calls for a renewed commitment to social progress, outlined in our Vision for Social Europe.

The manifestos, positions and demands of our member organisations outlining the change we need to see for social rights are listed below, arranged under different focus areas:

Social justice and social protection

Caritas Europa A social Europe championing solidarity and global justice – access here
European Youth Forum Youth Manifesto – access here
Youth Engagement Checklist – access here
Coalition of child rights organisations (including: Save the Children EU, COFACE Families Europe, EAPN Europe, Make Mothers Matter, Mental Health Europe, PICUM, SOS Children’s Villages) Vote for Children Manifesto – access here
Eurodiaconia Manifesto to Build a truly Social Europe – access here

Equality and anti-discrimination

European Disability Forum Building an inclusive future for persons with disabilities in the EU – access here
European Roma Grassroots Organisation Network  

End Racism to Build a Stronger Europe – access here

European Women’s Lobby  

Europe at a Crossroads – Equal Participation of Women at All Levels: Prerequisite for Peace, Prosperity and Societal Change – access here

AGE Platform  

AGE Manifesto – access here

European Network Against Racism  

A Europe for All: Roadmap for Change – access here


Women Against Violence Europe

Manifesto for a Feminist Future in the 2024 European Parliament Elections – access here

Social Rights and Health

European Public Health Alliance  

Strengthening Public Health Across the European Union – access here

Mental Health Europe  

Manifesto for the 2024 European Elections – access here

EURORDIS – Rare Diseases Europe  

Championing the Rare: Building the Engine of an Inclusive European Health Union – access here


Social Rights and Housing

International Union of Tenants  

Priorities for the European Parliament (2024-2029) – access here

Housing Europe  

European Manifesto to Lead the Way out of the Housing Crisis – access here

Social Rights and Education

European Association for the education of adults  

10 Recommendations for the European Elections 2024 – access here

Just Transition


Six progressive proposals to deliver a Just Transition – access here

Social Economy

CECOP – European Confederation of

Manifesto for the 2024 EU Elections: Cooperatives Empower Workers, Reindustrialize and Innovote for the Benefit of All – access here


2024 – ENSIE Memorandum European Elections 2024 – access here


For a Job-rich and Inclusive Circular Economy – A Social and Circular Outlook 2024 – 2029 – access here


Discover more about Social Platform’s EU Elections Campaigns:


Over the Line: campaign for adequate minimum income

Skyrocketing prices, unaffordable bills and lack of access to support services mean that people are at risk of falling into poverty. Across the EU national safety nets are not providing enough protection, meaning that those who need support are being let down and left behind. We estimate that 0/27 EU minimum income schemes provide enough support to lift people over the poverty line. We want to change that! Find out more about the Over the Line campaign.

Civil Society for EU: unlock the potential of EU democracy!

Ahead of the 2024 EU elections, we call on future EU leaders and representatives to fully unlock this potential by better recognising, supporting and engaging with civil society, so that we can meaningfully contribute to a better Europe. Find out how Civil Society for EU plans to make this change a reality!

Let's unlock the potential of EU democracy