Group of Social Pillar Champions
The Group of Social Pillar Champions brings together Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) who are the most vocal and visible supporters of social rights – both for their own constituents and people across the whole European Union!
Become a member – sign the pledge here!
Click here to see if your MEP is a Social Pillar Champion!
What is the Group of Champions’ main aims?
- Build momentum for stronger, more sustainable and inclusive social rights for all people in the EU.
- Strengthen collaboration, exchange and dialogue between MEPs and Social Platform, including our European members and their national members on the ground.
- Raise awareness of the European Pillar of Social Rights, the importance of social justice, and the vital role that the European project has in protecting and promoting human rights.
More information is available in our leaflet.
I’m an MEP – why should I join?
Improved collaboration between the European Parliament and social civil society organisations, as well as simplified and centralised communication, will help make sure that EU social policy and legislation addresses the on-the-ground needs of people, including those in vulnerable situations. The Group of Champions will make it easier to share relevant expertise and explore ways to move the EU’s social agenda forward.
By coming together to mobilise around our common goal – the full and ambitious implementation of the Social Pillar, to improve the social situation for people living and working in the EU – MEPs and social civil society organisations alike will be able to raise their profile and demonstrate to their constituents that they are fully committed to building a more equal, socially just and inclusive Europe that leaves no one behind.
How does the Group of Champions work?
The Group of Champions is an informal group, which means we can adapt its structure and activities depending on the interests and needs of its members. As such, activities could range from internal meetings between MEPs and civil society organisations on certain files, to external events on different Pillar principles, to livestreamed chats with members about their areas of expertise.
I support the social rights of my constituents! How do I join?
It’s simple! Just follow these 3 steps:
- Sign the Group of Social Pillar Champions pledge below.
- Once you’ve signed the pledge, we will send you a cool visual to share on your social media accounts so your constituents can learn about the steps you’re taking to defend their social rights (especially important for many in the context of the pandemic recovery).
- Spread the word! Invite other MEPs to join the group.
Meet the members of the group!
Dennis Radtke MEP |
Kira Marie Peter-Hansen MEP |
Dragoș Pîslaru MEP |
Nikolaj Villumsen MEP |
Frances Fitzgerald MEP |
Maria Noichl MEP |
Sylvie Brunet MEP |
Katrin Langensiepen MEP |
Terry Reintke MEP |
Agnes Jongerius MEP |
Marc Angel MEP |
José Gusmão MEP |
Cyrus Engerer MEP |
Estrella Durá Ferrandis MEP |
Leïla Chaibi MEP |
Chris MacManus MEP |
Ernest Urtasun MEP |
Pedro Marques MEP |
Eero Heinäluoma MEP |
Manuel Pizarro MEP |
Dimitrios Papadimoulis MEP |
Bettina Vollath MEP |
Paul Tang MEP |
Kim van Sparrentak MEP |
Milan Brglez MEP |
Alex Agius Saliba MEP |
Cindy Franssen MEP |
Mounir Satouri MEP |
Sara Matthieu MEP |
Marie Toussaint MEP |
Alviina Alametsä MEP |
Klára Dobrev MEP |
Monika Vana MEP |
Alícia Homs Ginel MEP |
Rosa d’Amato MEP |
Gabriele Bischoff MEP |
Evelyn Regner MEP |
Maria Walsh MEP |
Brando Benifei MEP |
Pierfrancesco Majorino MEP |
Jordi Cañas MEP |
Margarida Marques MEP |