
Social Platform is a member of the research project ‘Closing gaps in social citizenship. New tools to foster social resilience in Europe’ – also known as EUROSHIP. The overall aim of the EUROSHIP project is to provide an original and gender-sensitive assessment of current gaps in social protection across Europe.  Starting in February 2020, EUROSHIP is a three-year project supported by the EU’s Horizon 2020 research programme. Find out more on the project’s website and Twitter account.

What we do

Through the involvement of national and European stakeholders, EUROSHIP aims to develop policy recommendations on how to strengthen social citizenship at the national and EU level.

EUROSHIP will provide new knowledge about the effectiveness of social protection policies targeted at reducing poverty and social exclusion in Europe.

The project will also add to the knowledge base for further implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals.

As well as providing policy input across a range of areas, with a particular focus on minimum income, Social Platform will be leading and supporting on various communications aspects of the project.

Other project partners