Collective bargaining & adequate minimum wages – Making work pay for all

On 3 May 2021, Social Platform and the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) organised a joint webinar on collective bargaining and adequate minimum wages in the EU.

The webinar was co-hosted by Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) Dennis Radtke (EPP) and Agnes Jongerius (S&D), who are the co-rapporteurs of the proposed Directive in the European Parliament.

The European Commission put forward the Directive in October 2020 to make sure all workers in the EU receive a fair minimum wage.

During the webinar, civil society organisations, trade unions and MEPs brought forward their key demands in relation to the proposed Directive. Panellists and participants agreed on the need for EU action in defining quality criteria to ensure work pays and is a viable protection against poverty.

Read Social Platform’s 10 key recommendations on adequate minimum wages.