Social Europe – celebrating new rights for people!

Social Platform’s members are gathering in Brussels to take stock and celebrate two recent great successes that we have long campaigned for: the EU’s adoption of key pieces of legislation proposed under the European Pillar of Social Rights that will improve the social situation of millions of families and workers.

On 13 June the European Council’s Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) adopted the Directive on work-life balance, and the Directive on transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union. These important instruments will give some new rights to parents and carers, and will modernise European labour law, adapting it to better fit the realities of the labour market.

Congratulations to all involved in advocating for these rights for people in Europe!

The introduction of legislation is core to our strategy for social progress in Europe. Decision-makers now need to ensure that these rights are implemented throughout Europe. As civil society organisations, we played a leading role in influencing the directives adopted by the EPSCO Council and we will engage in the next steps. To secure this participation in all phases, we call on EU leaders to strengthen and maintain an open, transparent and regular civil dialogue.

The two directives adopted last week are a first step towards backing up the goals of the Social Pillar through legislation. We urge EU leaders to build on this momentum in the EU’s upcoming five-year term by supporting additional new social legislation, to ensure that no person or group in Europe is left behind.